iOS SDK integration
CocoaPods integration mode
1.Update Podfile file
Add the following codes in the Target corresponding to the Podfile of the project
pod 'NTESVerifyCode'
2.Integrate SDK
Under the current directory of the project, run pod install or pod update
3.Project setting
In the project target directory, set Build Settings —> other link flags to -ObjC.
(1). Execute pod search VerifyCode on the command line. If the version of VerifyCode displayed is not up to date, execute the pod update operation to update the contents of the local repo.
(2). If you want to use the latest version of the SDK, execute pod update
(3). If you project has a "Deplyment Target" lower than 8.0,Then add the following statement in front of the Podfile file.Platform :ios, '8.0'
Manual integration
1.Download VerifyCode SDK
**RN Demo:** [React Native Demo](
2.Import VerifyCode.framework to XCode project:
Drag and dropVerifyCode.frameworkfile to Xcode project(please check Copy items if needed option)
3.Import NTESVerifyCodeResources.bundleto project:
Go to Build Phase and in the Copy Bundle Resources option, add the NTESVerifyCodeResources.bundle file (check theCopy items if neededoption).
4.Add dependent library
`SystemConfiguration.framework` `JavaScriptCore.framework`、`WebKit.framework`
5.Project setting
In the project target directory, set Build Settings —> other link flags to -ObjC.
(1).Ignore if the above system framework already exists
(2).SDK minimum compatible system version iOS 8.0
SDK usage
Object-C project
1.Introduce the VerifyCode SDK header file in the project that needs to use the SDK, as follows:
#import <VerifyCode/NTESVerifyCodeManager.h>
2.Initialize the SDK where the page is initialized,The SDK supports both Senseless Captcha and normal Captcha. You need to apply for different captchaID on the official website, as follows:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// Sdk call
self.manager = [NTESVerifyCodeManager getInstance];
self.manager.delegate = self;
// Set transparency
self.manager.alpha = 0.7;
// Set frame
self.manager.frame = CGRectNull;
// captchaId applied from Netease,E.g. @"a05f036b70ab447b87cc788af9a60974"
// Normal captcha,icnclude Silde,Text click,icon click,SMS verification code
// NSString *captchaid = @"";
// self.manager.mode = NTESVerifyCodeNormal;
// Senseless Captcha
NSString *captchaid = @"";
self.manager.mode = NTESVerifyCodeBind;
3.In the place where verification code verification is required, call the SDK's openVerifyCodeView interface as follows:
[self.manager openVerifyCodeView:nil];
4.In the place where verification code verification is required, call the SDK's openVerifyCodeView interface as follows:
[self.manager closeVerifyCodeView:nil];
5.If you need to handle the callback information of the VerifyCode SDK, you can implementNTESVerifyCodeManagerDelegate.
(1) initialization completed
* Captcha component initialization completed
- (void)verifyCodeInitFinish {
// App add your own processing logic
(2) Initialization error
* Captcha component initialization error
* @param error error message
- (void)verifyCodeInitFailed:(NSArray *)error{
// App add your own processing logic
(3) Verification result callback
* Callback after verification is completed
* @param result Validation results BOOL:YES/NO
* @param validate Secondary check data, if the verification result is `false`, `validate` returns empty
* @param message Result message
- (void)verifyCodeValidateFinish:(BOOL)result
validate:(NSString *)validate
message:(NSString *)message{
// App add your own processing logic
(4) The callback of turn off the captcha window
* The callback of turn off the captcha window
- (void)verifyCodeCloseWindow:(NTESVerifyCodeClose)close {
//App add your own processing logic
Swift Project
1.Introduce the header file in the bridging-header.h corresponding to the project, as follows:
#import <VerifyCode/NTESVerifyCodeManager.h>
Swift calls Objective-C to require a bridge connector file named
2.Other calls are the same as above
SDK interface
* @abstract Set the captcha language type
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NTESVerifyCodeLang) {
// Chinese
NTESVerifyCodeLangCN = 1,
// Englishe
// Traditional chinese
// Japanese
// Korean
// Thai
// Vietnamese
// French
// Russian
// Arabic
// German
// Italian
// Hebrew
// Hindi
// Indonesian
// Burmese
// Laotian
// Malay
// Polish
// Portuguese
// Spanish
// Turkish
// Dutch
* @abstract Set captcha type
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NTESVerifyCodeMode) {
// Normal Captcha,include slide,Text click,Icon click,SMS verification code
NTESVerifyCodeNormal = 1,
// Senseless captcha
* @abstract Type of verification code to be disabled
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NTESVerifyCodeClose) {
// Manual override
NTESVerifyCodeCloseManual = 1,
// Automatically shut down after verification
* @abstract Captcha image display `frame`
* @Description The location where the captcha control is displayed may not be passed.
* (1)If not passed or passed as` CGRectNull (CGRectZero)`, the default value is used: centered display of `topView`, width is 4/5 of screen width, height: view width / 2.0 + 65
* (2)If passed, the width of the frame is at least 270; the height is at least: width / 2.0 + 65.
@property(nonatomic) CGRect frame;
* @abstract Captcha image background transparency
* @Description Range: 0~1, 0 means full transparency, 1 means opaque. Default: 0.8
@property(nonatomic) CGFloat alpha;
* @abstract Captcha image background color
* @Description Default:black
@property(nonatomic) UIColor *color;
* @abstract Captcha language type
* @Description captcha language type NTESVerifyCodeLang, NTESVerifyCodeLangCN means Chinese, NTESVerifyCodeLangEN means English.
* Do not pass the default Chinese.
@property(nonatomic) NTESVerifyCodeLang lang;
* @abstract Set captcha type
* @Description Captcha enumeration type NTESVerifyCodeMode, optional type see enumeration definition
* Do not pass the default normal captcha.
@property(nonatomic) NTESVerifyCodeMode mode;
* @abstract In extreme cases, when the captcha service is unavailable, whether to enable the downgrade scheme.
* The default is on. When the downgrade switch is triggered, it will pass the verification directly and proceed to the next step.
@property(nonatomic) BOOL openFallBack;
* @abstract Degradation is triggered when the first fallBackCount error occurs. Value range >=1
* The default setting is 3 times. When an error occurs in the third server, the downgrade is triggered and the verification is passed directly.
@property(nonatomic) NSUInteger fallBackCount;
* @abstract Whether to hide the close button
* The default value is "YES" and "NO"
@property(nonatomic) BOOL closeButtonHidden;
* @abstract Click background to see if you can close the captcha view
* The value can be disabled by default. If the value is set to YES, the value can be disabled
@property(nonatomic) BOOL shouldCloseByTouchBackground;
* @abstract Verification code ipv6 configuration.
* The default value is no. Sending yes indicates that ipv6 networks are supported.
@property(nonatomic) BOOL ipv6;
3.Single case
* @abstract Single case
* @return return NTESVerifyCodeManager Object
+ (NTESVerifyCodeManager *)getInstance;
* @abstract Configuration parameter
* @param captcha_id captcha id
* @param timeoutInterval The timeout period for loading the verification code, up to 12s. Try to set this time longer, such as 7 seconds or more (7-12s)
- (void)configureVerifyCode:(NSString *)captcha_id
5.Popup captcha
* @abstract Show captcha view
* @Description Placement:[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] window];Full screen centered display, width is 4/5 of the screen width, height: view width / 2.0 + 65.
- (void)openVerifyCodeView;
* @abstract Show captcha view on specified view
* @param topView Load the parent view of the captcha control, which can be nil。
* (1)If the value is passed is nil,then use default value:[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] window]
* (2)If the value is passed is not nil,note the width and height of the topView, the width is at least 270; the height is at least: width / 2.0 + 65.
- (void)openVerifyCodeView:(UIView *)topView;
6.log print
* @abstract Whether to open sdk log printing
* @param enabled YES:open ;NO:close
* @Description The default is NO, only the `workflow` is printed; when set to YES, only the `workflow `and `BGRLogLevelError` will be printed under Release.
- (void)enableLog:(BOOL)enabled;
7.Obtain the SDK version number
* @abstract Obtain the SDK version number
- (NSString *)getSDKVersion;
8.Customize loading copy
* @abstract Customize loading copy
* @param loadingText Loading copy
- (void)configLoadingText:(NSString * _Nullable)loadingText;
9.You can customize loading images in GIF, PNG, and JPG formats
* @abstract You can customize loading images in GIF, PNG, and JPG formats
* @Instructions To customize parameters for loading pictures.
* (1) Image format is GIF only need to send gifData, animationImage null.
* (2) If the image format is PNG or JPG, animationImage must be configured and gitData must be null.
* @param animationImage A single image
* @param gifData The image is binary data in GIF format
- (void)configLoadingImage:(UIImage *_Nullable)animationImage
gifData:(NSData *_Nullable)gifData;
10.Disable the captcha view. This method actively disables the captcha view so that products can invoke the view as required
* @abstract Disable captcha
- (void)closeVerifyCodeView;
Error code definition
The SDK will throw error codes in the callback methods' verifyCodeInitFailed: 'and' verifyCodeNetError: 'as described below:
Error code | instructions |
501 | get request failed |
502 | loading of the JS resource timed out |
503 | Image load timeout |
1004 | Initialization failed |
-1005 | no network connection |
Effect demonstration
2.Slide Captcha
3.Click on the validation
4.Message authentication