Offline Image Result Acquisition API

2021.12.17 09:49:19

    API Address

    API Description

    Online detection of suspected data in the API results will be performed offline and manually. The offline results of these data require the client to obtain periodically through the API. After getting the data processed offline, the next call will not return the offline data obtained before.

    limits frequency of API requests

    less than 10s/20 times,or it will be forbiden

    Request Parameters

    The API parameters are consistent with the public request parameters. For details, see Public Request Parameters

    Response Result

    The response field is as follows, the common response field has been omitted, see Response General Fields for details:

    Result array data structure

    Parameter Name Type Description
    name String Image Name (or Image ID)
    taskId String The data request identifier returned by the online API detection, which can query the latest result of the data according to the identifier
    labels json array classification information

    Labels data structure

    Parameter Name Type Description
    label Number Classified information, 100: porn, 110: sexy, 200: advertising, 210: two-dimensional code, 300: horror, 400: prohibited, 500: political affairs
    action json object Advice action,2:suggest to delete,0:suggest to pass
    level Number Classification level, 0: normal, 2: OK
    rate Number Score

    Request example

    Java code

    Python code

    PHP code

    C# code

    js code

    Response example

    Output result:

    Note: Classified information, 100: porn, 110: sexy, 200: advertising, 210: two-dimensional code, 300: horror, 400: prohibited, 500: political

        "code": 200,
        "msg": "ok",
        "result": [
                "taskId": "8e0b9306cec744aeb7467486adfa96e2",
                "status": 0,
                "name": "",
                "labels": [//All classification levels are normal, so the picture is normal
                        "label": 100,
                        "level": 0,
                        "rate": 0.0
                        "label": 110,
                        "level": 0,
                        "rate": 0.0
                        "label": 200,
                        "level": 0,
                        "rate": 0.0
                        "label": 210,
                        "level": 0,
                        "rate": 0.0
                        "label": 300,
                        "level": 0,
                        "rate": 0.0
                        "label": 400,
                        "level": 0,
                        "rate": 0.0
                        "label": 500,
                        "level": 0,
                        "rate": 0.0
                "details": {
                    "ocrText": []
                "taskId": "t79b293083b840ffa208d5d9394f2376",
                "status": 0,
                "name": "",
                "labels": [//Hit two-dimensional code classification
                        "label": 210,
                        "level": 2,
                        "rate": 0.9999
                        "label": 100,
                        "level": 0,
                        "rate": 0.0
                        "label": 110,
                        "level": 0,
                        "rate": 0.0
                        "label": 200,
                        "level": 0,
                        "rate": 0.0
                        "label": 300,
                        "level": 0,
                        "rate": 0.0
                        "label": 400,
                        "level": 0,
                        "rate": 0.0
                        "label": 500,
                        "level": 0,
                        "rate": 0.0
                "details": {
                    "ocrText": []
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